The transition to the new pension scheme is a major change for a large part of the employees and possibly also our former colleagues and pensioners. That is why a special project group was set up in 2019 to prepare for this transition. Several specialisms are represented in this project group. Examples include pension and corporate law, Human Resources, communication and actuarial specialists. We also work closely together with various other internal and external advisors. In addition, a project manager has been appointed to ensure that the project is managed properly and that the various stakeholders within and outside Shell are involved.
The project group regularly reports to the Decision Review Board (DRB). The project group prepares content proposals which are then discussed by the employer with the Central Works Council (COR) with the support of the DRB. The COR is advised in the process by an external pension advisor who is intensively involved in the discussions about the future of the pension at Shell.
In addition to the contact with the DRB, members of the project group have regular consultations with the Shell Central Works Council, Shell board members, the Association of Former Employees of the Royal Shell (VOEKS) and of course also with various specialists within the Shell’s pension funds.
Pensions are part of the individual employment contracts at Shell NL. We are therefore discussing the changes with the Central Works Council (COR). The COR has a right of consent. In addition, we are also in discussions with the Shell pension funds and with the Association of Former Employees of the “Royal/Shell” (VOEKS). VOEKS has a right to hear the changes. Ultimately, there must be a balanced decision for all stakeholders, including the employer.
In order to manage the transition to the new pension scheme, we set up an extensive project team and a separate communication team in 2019. We understand that communication about the system change is essential. It is a complex matter. Employees often do not know what their current pension scheme looks like. Then it is difficult to be able to understand changes properly. And employees also get all kinds of information about pensions in the media. That sometimes causes worry and uncertainty. Communication is key to the success of this project. “Winning hearts and minds” is our motto. We would like everyone to trust Shell’s in it’s good intentions and in the process we have gone through together.
In the run-up to the new pension scheme, we will continue to inform all those involved. Via the interactive timeline on the homepage of this website you can see exactly which steps we have already gone through and which steps still need to be taken.
The members of the project group who have been working for some time within Shell NL on the changes resulting from the Pension Agreement / Future Pensions Act are listed in the overview to the right.
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Shell en de COR bespreken samen de toekomst van het pensioen bij Shell. Maar ook VOEKS (de Vereniging van Oud-Employés der ”Koninklijke/Shell”) speelt daarbij een rol. Op grond van de nieuwe wet mag VOEKS, met het oog op de belangbehartiging van de slapers en de gepensioneerden, een oordeel geven over de te nemen besluiten. Dit wordt ook wel het hoorrecht genoemd. VOEKS behartigt op die manier de belangen van circa 18.000 gepensioneerden en circa 7.000 slapers.
De leden van de hoorrechtcommissie zijn Piet Hein Deiters (voorzitter), Peter Westgeest, Ad van der Schoot, Geralda Flap en Job Kok. Daarnaast zijn er 2 buitenleden die uit het SSPF Verantwoordingsorgaan (VO C-leden) komen. Deze buitenleden zijn Henk Burks en Jenneke Boerman; zij zullen niet aanwezig zijn bij het formele overleg tussen de Hoorrechtcommissie en SN/COR.
Namen bij de groepsfoto van links naar rechts Piet Hein Deiters, Job Kok, Geralda Flap, Henk Burks, Peter Westgeest, Ad van der Schoot.
You can contact the project group via this contact form. However, we will not answer individual questions about what exactly the changes mean for your pension. After the consultation with the COR has been completed and a new pension scheme has been agreed, the pension fund will inform you about what will mean for your own pension. Do you still have questions for the project team? If so, please fill in the contact form.
This is a joint website of Shell Netherlands and the Dutch Shell Pension Funds. This website is intended to inform all participants about the changes to our pension scheme as a result of the new ‘Future Pensions Act’. You cannot derive any rights from this website or from any content on this website. You can only derive rights from the pension scheme regulations applicable to you.
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