Recording information session employees
Our pension is changing
Thijs Terwindt, chairman COR
Table Talk May 2021
Table Talk Juli 2020
Coffee and retirement
We can imagine it can be quite difficult to understand the choices in the SSPF plan. Using coffee as a metaphor for retirement money, we explain in this video what “boarding up” and “leaving behind” is. Want to watch the long explanation video? Then click here.
Changes in the SNPS scheme
De Wet toekomst pensioenen (WTP) heeft mogelijk ook gevolgen voor medewerkers die nu pensioen opbouwen in de SNPS-regeling. Dit zijn medewerkers die op of na 1 juli 2013 in dienst zijn gekomen bij Shell NL.
In deze video leggen we uit wat er mogelijk verandert in de SNPS-regeling.
Conversion – explained by a specialist
The pensions of employees, former colleagues and pensioners in the SSPF scheme may be converted into the new pension scheme. We can imagine that this raises many questions. That is why we have asked Willem Eikelboom, actuary and senior director at WTW, to give his view on pension the conversion of the SSPF-pensions.